Thursday, September 20, 2007

Immmmm Backkkkk !!!

Okay so it's been way too long sense I made a post! I'm so so sorry, however turns out I'm a normal person and like y'all life likes to sneak up on me once in awhile.

Here's the deal I'll just be honest with you about what has been going on. I had a miscarriage. Which makes me really sad. This is my third so I have been spending a lot of time going to the Doctor getting various testing and crying around. I just needed some me time. I would like to ask all of my readers for their prayers in this hard time!

Now I'm not going to make this blog about myself, well yeah I am, but its about green living and its going to stay that way. If you want to get to know me a little better you can go to . That site is where I really let go, let it all hang out.


Ive been getting sloppy. But like a diet I'm not going to let one little mishap get me down! I just have not been as careful.

I have a friend on another site that is making me a reusable bag out of old plastic grocery bags. How cool is that? This will be her first so if she is successful then maybe she will do more. I will direct you how to purchase them at that time.

Now and then I think it's helpful to reevaluate your personal goals.

1. No paper towels

2. No plastic Bags

3. Only local purchases ( this one is hard)

A fellow blogger and friend of mine has made a vow not to shop at Wal-Mart for one year. Think you could do it? If you're interested in hearing more she is on my list of greenish blogs, I love Megan's blog because she is very matter of fact and to the point. Her blog is very informative and also she gives advice on how to create a better budget, check it out!

I have completed one green task. I made and canned salsa!!! Now I'm interested in the world of canning but you have to be very careful and follow cook times so you're sure not to get sick. In my next post I will tell you just how I did it! We made about 50 cans for around $15.00. Not bad!


Megan D. Crow said...

Glad to see you're back. I know what it's like...when things get "hard" on the homefront, we usually don't blog as much. I do the same thing.

But I've never experienced something as hard as you're going through...I can't even imagine. I am so sorry to hear that.

A blog you might be interested in:

And when I was going through a tough time with pain/searching for God/feeling alone, these books helped me out:

Where is God When it Hurts by Philip Yancey

Disappointment with God by Philip Yancey

And canning is something I haven't gotten to yet...I bought all the stuff for it this summer, and had a bag full of tomatoes, I was going to make salsa with too...but it never happened. So I am very excited to see your post about it!

Too bad we didn't live in such far away places...and we could help each other figure out all this "green stuff" together!

Zayannee said...

Thank you Megan for your kindness! I think that we can and are helping each other with the"green stuff" just from afar! Thank you for the recommendations as well!

L.L. Barkat said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Hard, hard stuff.

On another note, the Walmart note, I can't remember ever willingly shopping there. Maybe once. The noise, the harsh lights, the visual overload, I can't take it. Give me the quiet of a small shop, with the smile of its owner and a voice and face I can come back to.