Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yum in the Tum

Ill tell ya some things in life never change! For example you big sister is always cooler than you! My oldest sister is a busy mother of 3 all under the age of 7. Some how she still manages to create this cool new blog: http://mandy-fromscratch.blogspot.com/

This site is awesome if you're wanting to take up cooking. I'm pretty sure that most of her eats are healthy too considering her babies have never had canned baby food. No she makes it all from scratch and I think that's pretty cool!

I wish so badly we had a bulk store in my little hole in the wall town but we don't:(. However I can still go to my local grocery to pick up items when needed.

Oh I almost forgot. This past Saturday was my 1st Wedding anniversary to the love of my life. To celebrate we had the family over for dinner. Now in days that means we had like 20 hungry adults and 30 screaming children at our house but we love it.

Any who we had a smorgasbord of yummy food that I go at a farm market that I can actually walk too ( this is exciting because I live 20 min outside of town). So I get there and I'm like, crud no one is working. Then I saw a little box that said " use the honor system". All the fresh food was labeled with its price and then you just drop the money in the box. How cool is that?

So here is what I came home with:

2 Green peppers
4 Cucumbers
6 Corn cobs
1 big bag of green beans
2 To mots

Now at the store I would easily pay out 20-25 for these eats. But my total came to $7.00! So cheap and so yummy and fresh! Happy me!

So go visit my sissy's blog and get some delish green recipes. Just call us the Green tag team :).

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Oh Beautiful

"Take Me Home Country Roads"
See our Dog?

The Barn
I spent many a day sitting in there watching the cattle.

Where we fell in love! How could we not? Blue skies, Green Grass, and our sweet little home!

"A little piece of Heaven on Earth"

I love this picture. It makes me wonder why we ever moved!

To apply these pictures to the purpose of my blog I will just say this. How could I not desire to preserve this kind of beauty for those to come? I would also like to add something that comes to my mind when I notice the beauty of this world.

Everybody has doubts but how can anybody doubt God when you see his masterpiece? Even a simple blade of grass can amaze me when I take the time to notice its detail and perfection. This world is a gift from God. We should take care of it! I pray that I never forget how blessed I am to be a part of this world and always make it my personal responsibility to care for it!

Thanks Blue Mountain Mama for the inspiration!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I am the Hulk

Love of my life, soul mate, best friend, these are a few words I use to describe my husband. Today I will describe him as a anti-greenie. When it comes to Green Living we don't see eye to eye.

Listen to this! Last night I made us a yummy dinner. We were both sitting ready to eat. Scott gets up to fetch us some napkins.... paper ones. I truly believe I turned into the hulk, big and green and I didn't have to say one word he knew what he had done.

He is a guy of simplicity. I know that he got the paper towels because it is a little easier than bending down and opening the drawer where I keep the cloth napkins. He then told me that he checked out my blog and was chuckling at my post about paper plates and what not.

While green steam was coming out my ears I explained to him that he, more than anybody I know should care for the enviornment! He hunts, He farms, he likes to fish why wouldn't he want to live more green?!?!? He then explained to me that using paper plates and napkins was actually living green because then we didn't have to put them in the dishwasher and we save on detergent bottles. I know what you re thinking " Oh no he didn't?" but oh yes he did. ( Our detergent comes in a box anyway)

I love my hubby more than I can tell. I just can't seem to get him on board with me. I am dedicating this post to all those men or women out there who are green and live with anti-greenies! It is not easy! I feel for you!

This isn't the only area that we have disagreements. Another big one right now is Church. Basically I want to go and he doesn't want to go, at least not where I want to go, so we end up not going at all!

So, Ive tried to come up with a plan to make him want to live green, to make him want to go to Church. Then I realized that I don't want to force him into either one of these things. I want them to be important to him. He has to make that choice on his own. We are married but we are still individuals.

I did the only thing you can do, what I should have done in the first place, I prayed about it. Last night I read my Bible and I found a scripture that said that Jesus led by example. He didn't force anybody to believe in him or to follow him and that this is how we need to live our own lives.

So starting today I'm going to stop shoving green living and Church down my husband's throat. I will just set an example and hope that he can see it is good and make the choice to join me!
I will keep you posted on my *our progress!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The change of seasons

This may be the most difficult challenge that I have decided to take on. ( All credit to my sister Mandy visit her @ http://laceymama.blogspot.com/ she doesn't post often but when she does they're good!)
I live in Ohio. The best part of Ohio is the change of the seasons! Currently it is about 80 and sunny. About 3 seconds ago it was 50 and raining. Ha Ha that is my Ohio humor for the day. The only way to check the weather in Ohio is to stick your head out a window. You never know what you re going to get!
Honestly I do love these changes. It is cold and snowy in the winter. I love to bundle up, light candles, sip hot tea, and read a book in this season. Or praying for a white Christmas on Christmas Eve.
It is a canvas of reds, oranges, yellows, browns, and greens in the fall. I love the crisp air giving signal to the oncoming of winter, the weenie roast, and wearing jeans and hoodies on evening walks. The sound of cheers at football games are like music to my ears.
Then summer comes and I get to wear pretty sun dresses, plant flowers, and go swimming in the creek. The only one who can truly appreciate my favorite pass time as much as I do in the summer is my cat. We both love to sprawl out in the grass and bath, oh so lazily in the sunlight.
Because I so greatly value the change of the seasons .......I'm gonna eat that way! I will then get to gain appreciation for the gifts that mother nature offers with each season. Its actually exciting because in some ways I am already doing this with out realizing it, just not full force.
I have to be honest, I'm a little embarrassed to admit I don't know exactly what is in season all the time. I guess if I cant go out side and get it that answers my questions of what I can or cannot purchase.
My sister and I were chatting about bananas the other day. You love them, you know you do... I love them and the bread yum yum!!!!! But I ask you where do they come from? I know they didn't come from Ohio :(. So then I start thinking how did they get here?
Bananas should be a treat. Not a daily diet for me. ( poor me) Maybe, just maybe if people start purchasing items like bananas less frequently the cost will go up and they will become more of a delicacy as they should be. Can we even grow them in this Country? I guess I need to do some more research.
In closing my thought of today is the seasons loving them and eating them.
If you have tips to help me, for example what I should get when, I would love to hear them. I guess this would be a great day to purchase that new caner Ive been eyeing!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Story .... So Far

Once upon a time a lonely broken hearted girl went to a party with her little sister. When she and her sister arrived the lonely girl realized this was a couples only party!

She was embarrassed and even more lonely and broken hearted! Until she noticed her old friend lonely broken hearted boy sitting by himself on the couch.

Lonely broken hearted girl sat down beside lonely broken hearted boy and they began to talk. Before either one realised what was happening they were laughing and holding hands. They found out that when they were together they were no longer lonely and broken hearted! They were filled with love, friendship, and happiness.

One year later the happy hearted couple decided they wanted to share the same last name so that they would never be broken hearted and lonely again!

This is my story of how my marriage came to be. It is also how I fell in love with the outdoors! my husband comes from a long line of farmers, hunters, and fishermen. I have learned these trades and love them dearly. I know that if it wasn't for farmers nobody would take care of the land and moo moos. If it wasn't for hunters & fishermen the animals would become sickly and over populated.

I have learned to respect animals and the land. I have learned that hunting is not a sport. It is a way of life and puts dinner on our table. I have learned that the hardest workers are farmers and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Most importantly I have learned that this world is a gift from God. God has in trusted us with this glorious creation, we had best take care of it! So I took some lessons from my father in law. I listen to everything he has to say about dirt, rain, plants, and animals then I put it to use.

My eldest sister said to me over a year ago. Lindsay you need to check out this girls blog. She is all about simple living and conservation. You will love it... and I did. This blog has given my sister and I nearly all of our green ideas. From conservation all the way to womanly menstruation!
http://walkslowlylivewildly.com/ Thank you Sara!

So, I quit using paper towels and started using cloth napkins. I stopped buying everything from wally world and made trips to the local grocery store. I use trips into town wisely so I don't have to use as much fuel running back and forth! I have toyed with the idea of cloth TP but my husband thinks I'm nutty... we will see!

I have planted fresh herbs so I don't have to purchase them! I use fresh veggies from the garden and I am still learning about canning so that during the winter I will stay green!

I have dreams of green babies :). Hopefully God blesses us with one and I can follow in my elder sister's green footsteps! Brest feeding and home made baby food, cloth diapers and educational toys.

My green story is just beginning so check back to hear more!

Support Your Local Farmers!!!!!!!!!!!!

The following is a comment I left on my favorite blogger's blog. http://walkslowlylivewildly.com/

She has been an inspiration in my quest to live green. Check out her blog, to say the least it is very educational!

I am sharing this comment because I have not yet touched on this subject! I would also like to remind everyone to vote on the 2007 farm bill. Spread the word by going to: http://action.one.org/letter/index.jsp?letter_KEY=8&t=OneColumn.dwt

I am no expert on “green living”. I do make efforts to conserve. I also inform others of ways they can conserve.My family has cattle & hog farms. We also have crops.

Ever heard the phrase “everybody do your share.” I rest well at night after eating a steak that was raised on our farm. I ate this steak on a real plate, I did not run to the store to purchase it, so I didn't use fuel, no plastic bag from the store.I just want all the meat eaters out there to know that when you purchase your meats, and other foods locally you can help to conserve.

I think that it is important that people do a little. Our chances of making a huge difference are greater when we ask others to make small changes that can still somewhat fit their current life. Everyone doing a little adds up to a lot.

So, what I'm saying is support your local farmers and you will save the fuel from huge cattle farms to transport meats. I don't believe that the big production cattle farms are a good thing. Our cows are put out to pasture, they are healthy, happy, and our livelihood.

I for one cannot look into the eyes of my father in law and see his overworked hands, broken back, sore feet and tell him that what he is doing is wrong. His entire life he has slaved to feed his family with this meat and crop.

He is up at the crack of dawn working hard till dusk to take care of his land and animals. It is everything to him and I for one will not believe that it is wrong. Ive never met another person that cares for the land the way that he does. I support that.

I'm not trying to get “nasty”. I'm just trying to make the point that farming isn't all wrong.

I totally agree in conserving this beautiful earth. I will use cloth instead of paper. I wont buy disposable picnic wear. When God blesses me with children I will make there food from our gardens and use reusable diapers. I will be sensible with my fuel using trips to town wisely. These are things that I can do and if i can do it trust me anyone can!

If you are a vegitarian simply becasue you do not want to support over sized, big production farmers that ship overseas resulting in huge fuel cost and pollution. I ask you to think twice. You do not have to give up meat 100%! Support your local farmers!

You would be helping to fight poverty, in case you didnt know local farmers are not making a killing these days. They are the worst case senario of the over worked and underpaid in my personal opinion. They are actually helpful to the enviorment as well!

I would like to hear your veiws on this topic!