Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yum in the Tum

Ill tell ya some things in life never change! For example you big sister is always cooler than you! My oldest sister is a busy mother of 3 all under the age of 7. Some how she still manages to create this cool new blog: http://mandy-fromscratch.blogspot.com/

This site is awesome if you're wanting to take up cooking. I'm pretty sure that most of her eats are healthy too considering her babies have never had canned baby food. No she makes it all from scratch and I think that's pretty cool!

I wish so badly we had a bulk store in my little hole in the wall town but we don't:(. However I can still go to my local grocery to pick up items when needed.

Oh I almost forgot. This past Saturday was my 1st Wedding anniversary to the love of my life. To celebrate we had the family over for dinner. Now in days that means we had like 20 hungry adults and 30 screaming children at our house but we love it.

Any who we had a smorgasbord of yummy food that I go at a farm market that I can actually walk too ( this is exciting because I live 20 min outside of town). So I get there and I'm like, crud no one is working. Then I saw a little box that said " use the honor system". All the fresh food was labeled with its price and then you just drop the money in the box. How cool is that?

So here is what I came home with:

2 Green peppers
4 Cucumbers
6 Corn cobs
1 big bag of green beans
2 To mots

Now at the store I would easily pay out 20-25 for these eats. But my total came to $7.00! So cheap and so yummy and fresh! Happy me!

So go visit my sissy's blog and get some delish green recipes. Just call us the Green tag team :).


bluemountainmama said...

i love local farm stands. even when we live in town, i could walk a block away on fridays to the farmer's market.

you can't beat fresh, local produce!

L.L. Barkat said...

As a big sister myself, of course I love hearing a little sister's viewpoint!

Glad you enjoyed your celebration.