Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The change of seasons

This may be the most difficult challenge that I have decided to take on. ( All credit to my sister Mandy visit her @ she doesn't post often but when she does they're good!)
I live in Ohio. The best part of Ohio is the change of the seasons! Currently it is about 80 and sunny. About 3 seconds ago it was 50 and raining. Ha Ha that is my Ohio humor for the day. The only way to check the weather in Ohio is to stick your head out a window. You never know what you re going to get!
Honestly I do love these changes. It is cold and snowy in the winter. I love to bundle up, light candles, sip hot tea, and read a book in this season. Or praying for a white Christmas on Christmas Eve.
It is a canvas of reds, oranges, yellows, browns, and greens in the fall. I love the crisp air giving signal to the oncoming of winter, the weenie roast, and wearing jeans and hoodies on evening walks. The sound of cheers at football games are like music to my ears.
Then summer comes and I get to wear pretty sun dresses, plant flowers, and go swimming in the creek. The only one who can truly appreciate my favorite pass time as much as I do in the summer is my cat. We both love to sprawl out in the grass and bath, oh so lazily in the sunlight.
Because I so greatly value the change of the seasons .......I'm gonna eat that way! I will then get to gain appreciation for the gifts that mother nature offers with each season. Its actually exciting because in some ways I am already doing this with out realizing it, just not full force.
I have to be honest, I'm a little embarrassed to admit I don't know exactly what is in season all the time. I guess if I cant go out side and get it that answers my questions of what I can or cannot purchase.
My sister and I were chatting about bananas the other day. You love them, you know you do... I love them and the bread yum yum!!!!! But I ask you where do they come from? I know they didn't come from Ohio :(. So then I start thinking how did they get here?
Bananas should be a treat. Not a daily diet for me. ( poor me) Maybe, just maybe if people start purchasing items like bananas less frequently the cost will go up and they will become more of a delicacy as they should be. Can we even grow them in this Country? I guess I need to do some more research.
In closing my thought of today is the seasons loving them and eating them.
If you have tips to help me, for example what I should get when, I would love to hear them. I guess this would be a great day to purchase that new caner Ive been eyeing!


bluemountainmama said...

barabara kingsolver's newest book talks about this, but i haven't read it yet....hope to soon.

i know l.l. has talked about it some on her blog, too. i'm hoping to find out more about these things. i guess if you can't find it at the local farmer's market, it's probably not in season. but in the winter, i'm not sure what the options are.

i love the change of seasons, too. ans the ohio weather you described sounds like where i used to live in MD. you could have the heat on in the morning...and need the AC by afternoon.

Mandy said...

Lindsay-- Here is a state-by-state guide to produce availability:

The whole site is actually pretty cool.

bluemountainmama-- I just finished Kingsolver's new book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle! One of the best books I've read in a while!! I completely want to go live on a farm now...
Kingsolver talks alot in the book about how imprtant it is to raise your kids to know where their food comes from, like before it gets to the grocery. Just out of curiosity I asked my 7yo step daughter where milk came from and she said she was ALMOST 100% sure it came from either cows or chickens! Wow. We have some work to do in this house!

Zayannee said...

Thank you ladies!