Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Story .... So Far

Once upon a time a lonely broken hearted girl went to a party with her little sister. When she and her sister arrived the lonely girl realized this was a couples only party!

She was embarrassed and even more lonely and broken hearted! Until she noticed her old friend lonely broken hearted boy sitting by himself on the couch.

Lonely broken hearted girl sat down beside lonely broken hearted boy and they began to talk. Before either one realised what was happening they were laughing and holding hands. They found out that when they were together they were no longer lonely and broken hearted! They were filled with love, friendship, and happiness.

One year later the happy hearted couple decided they wanted to share the same last name so that they would never be broken hearted and lonely again!

This is my story of how my marriage came to be. It is also how I fell in love with the outdoors! my husband comes from a long line of farmers, hunters, and fishermen. I have learned these trades and love them dearly. I know that if it wasn't for farmers nobody would take care of the land and moo moos. If it wasn't for hunters & fishermen the animals would become sickly and over populated.

I have learned to respect animals and the land. I have learned that hunting is not a sport. It is a way of life and puts dinner on our table. I have learned that the hardest workers are farmers and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Most importantly I have learned that this world is a gift from God. God has in trusted us with this glorious creation, we had best take care of it! So I took some lessons from my father in law. I listen to everything he has to say about dirt, rain, plants, and animals then I put it to use.

My eldest sister said to me over a year ago. Lindsay you need to check out this girls blog. She is all about simple living and conservation. You will love it... and I did. This blog has given my sister and I nearly all of our green ideas. From conservation all the way to womanly menstruation!
http://walkslowlylivewildly.com/ Thank you Sara!

So, I quit using paper towels and started using cloth napkins. I stopped buying everything from wally world and made trips to the local grocery store. I use trips into town wisely so I don't have to use as much fuel running back and forth! I have toyed with the idea of cloth TP but my husband thinks I'm nutty... we will see!

I have planted fresh herbs so I don't have to purchase them! I use fresh veggies from the garden and I am still learning about canning so that during the winter I will stay green!

I have dreams of green babies :). Hopefully God blesses us with one and I can follow in my elder sister's green footsteps! Brest feeding and home made baby food, cloth diapers and educational toys.

My green story is just beginning so check back to hear more!


L.L. Barkat said...

I love this, hearing of your journeys into new places. Especially the farming part. I am just an urban dweller who comes from country roots. I never lived on a farm, but some of my best friends were always busy milking, haying, planting, living simple. The first time I ever slept outside, it was on a friend's farm. The birds... wow... they were a noisy orchestra!

Blessings on your work...

Zayannee said...

Thanks, I love my journeys too! Ill try to post more about the farming!

bluemountainmama said...


i came over from l.l.'s and i must say that i love your blog and am on a similar journey. i grew up on a farm and we lived pretty simply, but i am trying to incorporate more "green" policies into our family, too.... and am discovering one that means and how to do it in our day and age. i'll be checking back often! :)

Zayannee said...

Thank you BMM ;). I look forward to hearing from you!