Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Got Milk?

This is my milk, as you can see. What looks different about my milk? Ah yes, it's in a glass bottle. Why is this you ask yourself? Let me tell you.

My Milk is in a glass container because this way I don't have to throw it away when I'm done. Why waste I ask? I can go to the store, turn my bottle in and get a new full gallon, no waste here :).

Another reason my milk is in this glass container is because it isn't "messed" with. By "messed" with I mean it's just good old milk it doesn't have tons a weird stuff mixed with it to make it last forever, which is better for my body and we all know Milk does a body good :).

I understand that its not even healthy to drink milk as an adult but I love it.

As the pic shows I'm not a health nut, but I am making slow changes. I say A slow change is better than a no change :), I made that up myself, I should rap.

I'm keeping it short and sweet today. Milk in glass bottles = good.

What do you do that = good?

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