Thursday, June 7, 2007

Wanted: Paper towel abusers

How many of you married folks out there received more dish towels for your wedding than you know what to do with? I know that we did. I think that every guest bought us a dish towel.

Some match the kitchen and many do not. I have used the ones that don't match the kitchen for dish washing and cleaning jobs but the nice ones, well I didn't want to ruin them so they have stayed neatly folded and put away for no one to ever see. Makes no sense does it?! I'm here today and very excited to tell everyone that I have found a use for my pretty dish towels!

Six, neatly rolled, red dish towels decorate my once plain dinner table. They look like pricey napkins but they are not and to top it off you can actually use them!

My husband struggles with paper towel abuse daily. Who uses four paper towels at dinner?! Yesterday I had to drag him away from the paper towel holder four times in less than a two hour period. It isn't going to be easy to break him of this habit.

My purse is still looking good and were saving trees and money by using dish towels for napkins. Life is great! If I can do it you can do it!

I wonder what he does to the toilet paper while I'm not around. Hmmm, but that's another post. :)

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