The following is a comment I left on my favorite blogger's blog.
She has been an inspiration in my quest to live green. Check out her blog, to say the least it is very educational!
I am sharing this comment because I have not yet touched on this subject! I would also like to remind everyone to vote on the 2007 farm bill. Spread the word by going to:

I am no expert on “green living”. I do make efforts to conserve. I also inform others of ways they can conserve.My family has cattle & hog farms. We also have crops.
Ever heard the phrase “everybody do your share.” I rest well at night after eating a steak that was raised on our farm. I ate this steak on a real plate, I did not run to the store to purchase it, so I didn't use fuel, no plastic bag from the store.I just want all the meat eaters out there to know that when you purchase your meats, and other foods locally you can help to conserve.
I think that it is important that people do a little. Our chances of making a huge difference are greater when we ask others to make small changes that can still somewhat fit their current life. Everyone doing a little adds up to a lot.
So, what I'm saying is support your local farmers and you will save the fuel from huge cattle farms to transport meats. I don't believe that the big production cattle farms are a good thing. Our cows are put out to pasture, they are healthy, happy, and our livelihood.
I for one cannot look into the eyes of my father in law and see his overworked hands, broken back, sore feet and tell him that what he is doing is wrong. His entire life he has slaved to feed his family with this meat and crop.
He is up at the crack of dawn working hard till dusk to take care of his land and animals. It is everything to him and I for one will not believe that it is wrong. Ive never met another person that cares for the land the way that he does. I support that.
I'm not trying to get “nasty”. I'm just trying to make the point that farming isn't all wrong.
I totally agree in conserving this beautiful earth. I will use cloth instead of paper. I wont buy disposable picnic wear. When God blesses me with children I will make there food from our gardens and use reusable diapers. I will be sensible with my fuel using trips to town wisely. These are things that I can do and if i can do it trust me anyone can!
If you are a vegitarian simply becasue you do not want to support over sized, big production farmers that ship overseas resulting in huge fuel cost and pollution. I ask you to think twice. You do not have to give up meat 100%! Support your local farmers!
You would be helping to fight poverty, in case you didnt know local farmers are not making a killing these days. They are the worst case senario of the over worked and underpaid in my personal opinion. They are actually helpful to the enviorment as well!
I would like to hear your veiws on this topic!
Thanks so much for the info on ONE. I added the link to the bottom of my Farm Bill post, and I wrote a letter through the site.
What a wonderful thing that you found me and shared the info. I hope others will take action too.
Thank you for your support! Im kinda new at this blog stuff so Im excited to get some feed back!
Thank you for your comment!
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